Mohamed. S. Badawi

Alamein International University

Dr. Badawi completed his Ph.D. in radiation physics in 2010 as a fellowship system between Alexandria University (Egypt) and the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK.CEN) (Belgium). He has an active license as an expert in radiation protection from the Nuclear & Radiological Regulatory Authority-Egypt. He also renews, established, and managed the radiation physics research laboratory in the faculty of science, Alex Univ and faculty of science, BAU as well. Dr. Badawi held several positions: • Director of Academic Programs, Faculty of Science, Alamein International University - New Alamein, Egypt since 2022. • Head of Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Beirut Arab University, Lebanon since 2020-2022. • Editor and a Reviewer in 111 international Journals. • Supervisor for 18 Ph.D. and 33 M.Sc. Thesis. Throughout his career, he had several running international projects in the radiation field with Russia, Montenegro, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, India, Bulgaria and Egypt. Dr. Badawi research interests focus on the field of radiation physics, especially Gamma-ray spectroscopy, radiation detection, and measurement “Calibration Techniques and Protection”. He participated in 24 international conferences and he has published over 115 scientific professional papers. He received more than 2304 citations (h-index = 30).