Alojzy Z. Nowak
University of Warsaw
Professor Alojzy Z. Nowak isRector of the University of Warsaw, the largestuniversity
in Poland and a leadingnationalresearchuniversity, servingover 40,000 studentsacross
25 faculties and supported by a workforceover 8,000.
Professor Nowakhasheld a variety of leadershippositionsat the University of Warsaw,includingDirector of theCentre for Europe,Dean of the Faculty of Management, and
Vice-Rectorfor Research and Liaison.
He earnedhisPh.D. in Economics from the University of Warsaw in 1991.Hisresearchfocuses on finance, banking, and internationaleconomics. Author and co-author of over 250 papers and bookspublishedboth in Poland and abroad.He hasbeen a visitingscholaratmanyuniversitiesworldwideincluding the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign (USA), the University of Exeter (UK),RUCAin Antwerp (Belgium), and the Free University ofBerlin (Germany).
ProfessorNowak serves as a member of manysupervisoryboards in national and internationalcompanies. In 2018 together with 22 eminenteconomists from around the world (whichincluded 4 Nobel Prizewinners), hebecame a member of the ScientificCouncil of the Institute for New StructuralEconomicsatPeking University.
Since 2018he hasbeenserving as chairof the Academic Sports Association – a mass students’ sport organisation, one of the biggestsportsassociations in Poland.